Effective Successful Happy Academic


A bespoke program of personal, structured, ongoing academic career support that responds to your own values and ‘busy’ schedule.

Book a ConsultationMeet our Coach

What kinds of support?

We offer dedicated support based tailored to the full range of challenges with academic work, whether you need support for:


Building a successful career from your values


Career Crises

Making the most of mentorship

Successful doctoral and post doctoral completion

Leading high performance teams


Interview preparation and negotiation

Early career academic work challenges

Feeling overwhelmed, burnt-out, or stressed

Having more ‘work-life balance’

Position & leadership transition

Habits + systems for taming emails & meetings


Managing conflicts and disagreements

Thriving amid the unique challenges of being a female academic worker


Additionally, we offer support as well as engage other expertise if you need support for:

Presenting better



Research & data management

Systematic review skills

Writing across academic genres

What People are Saying

“Yesterday I submitted 5 papers to one conference. Something I don’t think I would have even dreamed about a year ago.  And they’re papers I’m excited about and I think are really compelling…Even more strange, was it wasn’t a race to the finish and a lot of stress…It is in large part because of your help, guidance and advice, so I wanted to note that and thank you!”

Associate Professory, Carnegie Mellon University, USA

Meet our Coach

Jennifer Askey, Ph.D., CPCC, PCC

I used to be a professor, until one day, I moved to a different country and gave up my career and had to figure out “what next?” I’ve devoted the last ten years to learning all I can about positive psychology, emotional intelligence, the growth mindset, and mindfulness, so that I can build a rewarding career and help others do the same.

My goal is for each of my clients to build careers that make them happy and leave a lasting impact. This is what becoming the leader of your own career means for me. I’m committed to responding to the bumps and curves along the road of our professional lives with creativity and curiosity. I believe that “extreme knowledge work” (Clark & Sousa, 2018) is the work of the 21st century and that people who are leading themselves and others need strong mental and emotional resilience to not only survive, but thrive.

Past clients have worked with me on accountability for their writing goals, preparing for the next stage of their career, work-life balance, and developing the emotional and mental resilience needed to thrive in academia. Because knowledge work is not solo practitioner work, I coach and consult around effective team building, graduate supervision, and healthy workplace environments, as well. I am certified in various personal and career development assessments, such as DISC, EQi-2.0 (Emotional Intelligence), and Belbin Team Roles.

Whatever your challenges, we can help.


Let’s Talk

To arrange a coaching consultation or for more information, send us a message.

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